She Had Given Birth To Septuplets in 1997 And Her Husband Had Left. Look What She Looks Like 19 Years Later

She Had Given Birth To Septuplets in 1997 And Her Husband Had Left. Look What She Looks Like 19 Years Later

2. The Shock of Seven

Amid the rush of so many emotions, Kenny McCaughey could hardly believe the shocking news at first. “I said, ‘how many?” he recalled of that moment. “She goes, ‘Seven,’ and I go, ‘Arrrggghhh!’ Then I go, ‘No, no, no, no. Are you Serious?’”

Initially, the couple admitted that they had experienced “sheer terror” at the prospect of septuplets, however, it didn’t take long for reality to sink in. Still, neither one of them could have expected what pregnancy with seven babies would be like.


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